A national park in India loses precious cheetah clubs

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The cubs were the country’s first litter in more than 70 years. Image source: @BYADAVBJP/TWITTER

Two cheetah cubs tragically died at a national park in India’s Madhya Pradesh state, while a third cub is presently in critical condition.

Tuesday saw the passing of yet another cub in the national park.

The fact that these cubs were the first cheetahs to be born in India in more than 70 years, after the species had been formally declared extinct in the nation, was a significant turning point.

A female cheetah was moved from Namibia to India last year, and the cubs were successfully delivered in March.

According to their official press release, the park authorities decided to closely watch the female cheetah and her three cubs in light of this amazing incident.

On Tuesday, the park’s temperature climbed to around 47°C, raising worries for the safety of the cubs. The cubs appeared to be in an odd condition, according to park authorities.

The cubs were feeble, underweight, and very dehydrated when they were examined.

Two of the cubs unfortunately died on Thursday despite efforts to save them, while the third youngster from the litter is still in serious condition and receiving treatment.

that the Indian government formally proclaimed cheetahs extinct in 1952.

Cheetahs were returned to the nation last year as part of an extensive reintroduction program designed to repopulate the species.

This makes it even more heartbreaking that these cubs died.

Wildlife specialists welcomed the reintroduction of cheetahs into the nation with joy.

Some researchers have expressed concern about possible dangers that cheetahs may encounter, such as attacks from other predators and a lack of adequate prey.

Eight cheetahs were moved from Namibia to India in September 2022, and 12 more were brought in from South Africa in February 2023.

Unfortunately, three cheetahs have died in the past two months, bringing the total number of cheetahs lost to six, including the most recent deaths of the three kittens.

These losses draw attention to the difficulties and potential weaknesses in the reintroduction procedure.

The Indian Supreme Court expressed grave worry earlier this month over the regrettable cheetah fatalities and ordered the federal government to think about moving the remaining cheetahs to another area.

The importance of the issue and the requirement to act quickly to protect and preserve the cheetahs are reflected in the court’s intervention.

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