Canal patch in Venice becomes brilliant green

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One of Venice’s top tourist attractions is the Rialto Bridge. Image source: EPA

The principal waterway of the city underwent an incredible makeover on Sunday morning, becoming a vivid patch of neon green water. Venetians were awakened to this amazing spectacle.

Following the remarkable transformation of the water around the iconic Rialto Bridge, local authorities wasted no time in collecting water samples and launching an urgent investigation.

Speculation surrounding the cause of this unusual phenomenon has gripped the city, with various theories circulating among the Venetians.

One prominent theory suggests that the sudden change in water color could be attributed to the intentional release of dye into the canal.

This theory has sparked discussions regarding potential motivations behind such an act, ranging from artistic expression to a possible statement made by environmental activists.

Italian media outlets have also reported that local law enforcement officials are meticulously examining CCTV footage in an effort to uncover any evidence that may shed light on the origin of this vibrant transformation.

Speculation has arisen that the incident could potentially be linked to the ongoing Volgalonga regatta, raising suspicions of a well-timed stunt designed to coincide with the event.

As investigations continue, Venetians eagerly await further updates and answers to the mystery surrounding the enchanting yet perplexing transformation of their central waterway.

Maurizio Vesco of the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection stated in an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that preliminary research suggested that the green patch was probably brought on by the emission of fluorescein, a safe dye frequently used to monitor water flow.

Even though this material is ubiquitous, Mr. Vesco claimed that the typical dosage was one spoonful of dye powder; nonetheless, the size of the patch indicated that at least 1kg had been released into the waters.

He told La Repubblica, “I find it hard to believe that it was an incident… and that a kilogram of fluorescein was carelessly released into the canal.”

As images of the green waters in Venice circulated on social media, numerous users drew parallels between the recent incident and a notable event from 1968.

During that year, Argentine artist Nicolás García Uriburu carried out a daring stunt by dyeing the waters of the Grand Canal green.

His intention was to raise awareness about ecological concerns and draw attention to environmental issues.

The similarities between the two events sparked discussions among social media users, who noted the visual resemblance and the potential symbolic connection between the 1968 artistic act and the recent green water phenomenon in Venice.

By referencing Uriburu’s historic intervention, these users speculated about the possibility of the recent incident being a deliberate statement or performance art piece aimed at highlighting contemporary ecological challenges.

While the link to Uriburu’s 1968 stunt remains speculative at this point, the discussions and comparisons on social media contribute to the ongoing narrative surrounding the enigmatic transformation of Venice’s central waterway and the motivations behind it.

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