NGO gives seedlings to Boko Haram survivor in Adamawa

NGO gives seedlings to Boko Haram survivor in Adamawa

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NGO gives seedlings to Boko Haram survivor in Adamawa

Seedlings given in Adamawa

NGO gives seedlings to Boko Haram survivor in Adamawa. Iliya Kwache Foundation, NGO (non-governmental organization), has donated another batch of 20,000 tree seedlings to survivors of the Boko Haram insurgency in Michika Local Government Area, Adamawa State, to prevent climate change and improve inhabitants’ living conditions.

Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Iliya Kwache, who ran unsuccessfully for the Labour Party’s Michika/Madagali Federal Constituency seat, said he undertook the regular tree planting exercise through his foundation to address desert encroachment and protect the environment from the impact of climate change in the area.

During its mass tree planting program, the NGO provided 20,000 free tree seedlings to homeowners, including Mahogany, black plum, Shea butter, olive tree, and economic plants. The campaign’s purpose was to improve the living conditions of insurgent survivors. The seedlings were encouraged to be planted by the recipients.

Kwache charged the administration with creating a welcoming environment for citizens returning to their homelands after fleeing the conflict.

He also proposed that a day be designated as National Tree Planting Day to address climate change during the foundation’s mass tree planting exercise.

“We propose that the Federal Government of Nigeria establish a Ministry for Tree Planting and yearly declare a “National Tree Planting Day,” he stated. The benefits of trees make them the finest attack and defense against climate change and global warming.

“According to research, an adult tree can store 13 pounds of CO2 or convert 48 pounds into oxygen in a single year.” In one year, a hectare of trees can store 2.6 tons of CO2. With its heat-absorbing and air-purifying capabilities, planting trees not only benefits you locally, but it also benefits others around you and aids in the battle against global warming.”

During the tree planting event, some stakeholders vowed to support the convener’s environmental campaign by opposing tree loggers’ activities.

Ngida Zakawa, District Head of Michika, guaranteed the support of traditional institutions in combating indiscriminate tree cutting. He stated that this will be accomplished by sending vigilantes to assist in enforcing the state governor’s edict prohibiting the chopping of trees for charcoal fuel.

“We’ve been warning our people that anyone caught cutting down trees will face the consequences, as directed by the governor.” “We are prepared to direct vigilantes to carry out the governor’s directive,” Zakawa said.

Lama Luka, another recipient of the tree seedlings provided during the mass tree-planting program, complimented the environmentalist’s efforts. He stated that the large tree planting activity will help to restore the environment’s lost grandeur and to slow the spread of desertification.

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