UK-based Nigerian doctor loses custody of son

UK-based Nigerian doctor loses custody of son

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UK-based Nigerian doctor loses custody of son

UK-based Nigerian doctor

UK-based Nigerian doctor loses custody of son. A Nigerian doctor living in the United Kingdom has given the government custody of his 16-year-old son after beating him with a belt.

On Wednesday, a child rights campaigner known as pepstalk1 exposed this on her Instagram page.

She described how the Nigerian doctor thrashed his kid after catching him and his buddies who had come over to study watching an indecent movie.

According to his acquaintances, when the father was beating his son with a belt, the doctor continually said, “Is this how you want to become a doctor?”

She said, “Two friends of a Nigerian doctor’s son two months ago came over to the doctor’s residence to sleep over and study in preparation for their General Certificate of Secondary Education examination.

“At 3 a.m., the doctor crept into the boy’s room and discovered them watching an inappropriate video; the father became enraged with his son and beat him with a belt in front of his friends.”

“The two friends ran away from the scene to call the cops, who arrived and took the boy away.” The case was later held in court and during the session, the friends said that they heard the father saying that “Is this how you want to become a doctor” while beating his son?

“The boy also stated that his father was constantly beating him to study subjects that he did not want to study, and that his father wanted him to study medicine at the university.”

“The court later ruled that the doctor’s 16-year-old son be taken into custody care and can no longer go back to his father’s house.”

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