Escape from drug plot: Flight passenger’s harrowing experience

Escape from drug plot: Flight passenger’s harrowing experience

1 minute, 49 seconds Read
By Akinsuroju Olubunmi

Escape from drug plot: Flight passenger’s harrowing experience.

Escape from drug plot: Flight passenger’s harrowing experience

A flight passenger, Kofi Badu, has shared his narrow escape from being implicated in a drug trafficking scheme by an elderly woman on a flight to Dubai.

In a video circulating on social media on Monday, Badu recounted, “One day, an old lady sat next to me on a flight and asked for help putting her bag in the overhead compartment. She was pleasant and well-spoken, so we chatted throughout the flight to Dubai.”

As the flight neared its destination, the situation took a concerning turn. “When the pilot announced our descent into DXP, my seatmate suddenly developed stomach pains. Wanting to help, I pressed the steward’s button, and she began calling me ‘my son,’” Badu recalled.

A fellow passenger’s warning proved crucial. “The gentleman who helped with her luggage advised me to distance myself from her and inform the cabin crew that we weren’t traveling together. This man was heaven-sent,” Badu said.

Upon landing, the elderly woman’s true intentions became apparent as she tried to implicate Badu in her drug trafficking scheme. “While waiting for our luggage, the woman tried to escape, but the airport police caught her. She then called out to me, ‘my son, my son, how could you do this to me?’ That’s when I realized she was carrying drugs and trying to frame me,” Badu revealed.

Fortunately, the fellow passenger’s testimony and the lack of physical evidence linking Badu to the drugs cleared him of any wrongdoing. “The gentleman who helped with her luggage told the police that we had just met on the plane,” Badu stated.

The ordeal left

Badu with a cautionary message for frequent flyers. “I was let go with advice never to touch anyone’s luggage either on a flight or at the airport. From that day, I decided I would not assist with anyone’s luggage. If someone can’t reach the overhead compartment and I am nearby, I will simply look away. This is a simple piece of advice – please think about it,” Badu advised.

luggage, drugs
Escape from drug plot: Flight passenger’s harrowing experience

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