Russia allegedly forcing African migrants to fight in Ukraine

Russia allegedly forcing African migrants to fight in Ukraine

1 minute, 7 seconds Read
By Akinsuroju Olubunmi

Russia allegedly forcing African migrants to fight in Ukraine

Russia allegedly forcing African migrants to fight in Ukraine

According to a report by Bloomberg, Russia is allegedly coercing thousands of migrants and foreign students, including Nigerians, to join its troops in the conflict against Ukraine in exchange for visa renewal. European officials have accused the Kremlin of pressuring African students and young workers by threatening not to extend their visas unless they agree to participate in military activities. The report also mentions Russia’s enlistment of convicts from its prisons and the detention of African migrants on work visas, forcing them to choose between deportation or military service.


The practice of coercing migrants and students into battle has reportedly resulted in high casualty rates among these troops, as they are often deployed in risky offensive maneuvers to protect more highly trained units. Ukraine has captured foreign fighters, including Africans and Nepalis, and some countries are considering sharing this information with the affected nations.


This alleged strategy by Russia to bolster its military forces with coerced foreign recruits has raised significant concerns and drawn international attention. The implications of this reported tactic on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the welfare of the affected migrants and students are subjects of growing scrutiny and debate.



– Russian Recruitment

– African Migrants

Russia allegedly forcing African migrants to fight in Ukraine


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