Transport union absolves Lagos government

Transport union absolves Lagos government

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Transport union absolves Lagos government

Transport Union

Transport union absolves Lagos government. The Lagos State Parks and Garages Administrators have denied that the state government is to blame for Alhaji Musa Muhammed’s dismissal as Chairman of the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria.

In a news conference on Monday, LASPAGA secretary Abdulrahman Amusan stated that his removal was carried out by members of the association.

“In light of the rumors and allegations circulating, as well as the smear of character on the Lagos state government by Alhaji Musa Muhammed and his cohorts,” he said.

“It has become imperative for us as members to clear the air and educate the public, as well as the Trade Union Congress and the Nigeria Labour Congress, that the Lagos State Government be absolved of the crisis between we, the members of the Lagos State Parks and Garages Administrators, and Alhaji Musa Muhammed.”

“The removal of Alhaji Musa Muhammed as Lagos state chairman of the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria was orchestrated by members in Lagos state, not the Lagos state government.”

Amusan went on to say that the former union chairman was fired after being accused of manipulation of the Association’s fund, irresponsible and unholy behavior, abuse of power, divide and rule, and high-handedness.

He went on to say that the organization was in complete disarray during his tenure as president because he was sowing conflict and hatred among members.

“His tyrannical leadership style was what led to the fracases at Iyana Iba, prompting the Lagos state government to intervene in the lingering crisis so that the situation did not devolve into a breakdown of law and order in the state.”

“The Lagos State Government suspended the association due to the critical forensics of the conflict.” We clarify unequivocally that the Lagos clarify Government has nothing to do with Alhaji Musa Muhammed and the alleged National Industrial Court order on which he is relying, which has previously been appealed. As a result, there is currently no Court order requiring the Lagos state government to comply with the subject matter,” he noted.

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