Netherland ban phone in classrooms

Netherland ban phone in classrooms

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Netherland ban phone in classrooms

Phone ban in classroom

Netherland ban phone in classrooms. The Dutch government has stated that mobile phones would be banned in schools to prevent disruptions to learning.

The program is being launched in partnership with schools and will go into effect at the beginning of next year.

There will be some exclusions, such as for students with medical needs or disabilities, as well as for digital skills classes.

The ban is not currently legally enforceable, but it may be in the future.

“Despite the fact that mobile phones are almost inseparable from our lives, they do not belong in the classroom,” Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf remarked.

“Students must be able to focus and have every opportunity to learn well.” Scientific studies has shown that mobile phones disturb this.”

Several studies have demonstrated that restricting children’s screen time improves cognition and concentration.

Other technology, such as tablets and smartwatches, is likewise prohibited in the Netherlands.

The government stated that it would be left to individual schools to agree on the specific guidelines with instructors, parents, and students, including whether to fully ban gadgets in classrooms.

The scheme is the outcome of a collaboration between the ministry, schools, and other organizations.

It will be evaluated at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to determine how effectively it performed and whether a legal prohibition is required.

The  Netherland announcement comes after Finland made a similar decision last week.

Its administration declared that it would modify the law to make it simpler to limit cell phone use in schools.

Other countries, notably England and France, have recommended mobile phone bans in order to promote learning.

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