Woman Arrested With Decomposing Newborn Baby In Polythene Bag

Woman Arrested With Decomposing Newborn Baby In Polythene Bag

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Woman Arrested With Decomposing Newborn Baby In Polythene Bag

The suspect with the decomposing baby. Image by PUNCH


Woman Arrested With Decomposing Newborn Baby In Polythene Bag.

On Sunday, the rotting body of a newborn baby was found in the vicinity of Oyede Avenue Plaza in Sango-Ota, Ogun State.

The baby is said to have been killed by throwing her into a nearby compound while she was wrapped in a sack, according to a police source.

The age of the dead baby at the time of the tragedy was unknown to our correspondent. Ojuko may have been mentally unstable at the time of the incident, according to the state police command.

According to information obtained  from the command, some locals started searching the region for the cause of the offensive stink when it started to take over.

According to information our correspondent received, the smell was coming from a sack behind a nearby compound, which a local later found out.

As the residents unraveled the sack, their shock deepened upon discovering the tightly wrapped, decomposing body of the newborn.

A resident going by the name of Ogunmuyiwa allegedly went to the Sango-Ota Police Division to report the incidence after making the discovery.

Omolola Odutola, the public relations officer for the state police, verified the incident to our correspondent on Monday in answer to questions.

She said that the mother had been found and was being held by the police on a murderous suspicion.

Odutola added that a comprehensive inquiry has been started to determine the exact facts underlying the mother’s behavior.

She also sent our correspondent a WhatsApp message on Monday informing him that the dead infant was taken to the mortuary of Ifo General Hospital for an autopsy.

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