TradeMore protesters

TradeMore protesters

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TradeMore protesters

TradeMore protesters. Residents of Trademore Estate, located along the FCT’s Lugbe-Airport axis, are actively protesting the FCT Administration’s proposed demolition of the Estate.

The proposed demolition followed a devastating flood disaster in the Estate in the early hours of Friday, June 23rd, caused by heavy rain.

Remember that the administration labeled the Estate a disaster zone, citing the “consistent and persistent” threat of flooding in the Estate, and urging people to evacuate immediately.

Residents however came out protesting on Monday morning, calling on the Federal Capital Territory Administration to rather provide engineering solutions, than demolish houses.

Some of the residents held placards that read “Provide engineering solutions, not roadside approach”, “put an end to senseless killing”, “Trademore Estate is not a disaster zone”, etc.

More details later

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